Zasady antropiczne a istnienie Boga – spór o inteligibilność wszechświata
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Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu
The meanining of anthropic principles for philosophy is very important. The anthropic issue is present in physics from 1973 year, when Brandon Carter presented his article Large Number Coincidences and Anthropic Principle in Cosmology. But this, what we name today „the anthropic principles” was invented at least by saint Thomas Aquinas. The roots of this problematic is philosophical, as we can see. According to Thomas, God created the world for a man, so the main reason of existence the Universe is man. But today physicians do not want to agree with such result because of methodological issues. This article is aimed to show, that without referring to existence of God, we fall into contradiction. The only solution, which allows to quit the contradiction, is – as in the article is demonstrated – the acceptance of God’s existence.
Słowa kluczowe
zasady antropiczne, istnienie Boga, Bóg, spory, inteligibilność wszechświata, wszechświat, filozofia, nauki przyrodnicze, nauki ścisłe, kosmologia, Tomasz z Akwinu, święci, doktorzy Kościoła, Bóg-Stwórca, anthropic principles, existence of God, God, disputes, intelligibility of the universe, universe, philosophy, natural sciences, science, cosmology, Thomas Aquinas, saints, Doctors of the Church, God-Creator
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2013, R. 21, Nr 2, s. 247-264.
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