Zarys dziejów Kościoła katolickiego na ziemi głubczyckiej od średniowiecza do 1945 roku




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Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu


Głubczyce area covers southern part of Opole Voivodship. It is bordered with the Czech Republic in the south and west. From 1038 or 1039 this territory was taken away from Poland and since then it belonged to the Czech Republic. From 1526 it was under Habsburg Monarchy. In 1742 it went under control of Prussia and was not returned to Poland until 1945. In the Church terms, the territory belonged to the Czech diocese and from 1777 it belonged to Olomouc archdiocese. In 1751 Frederic II, the king of Prussia, appointed Olomouc Bishop Commissioner with his registered Office in Głubczyce County. The bishop became the intermediary between the governing bodies of Prussia and Olomouc Bishopric governed by Habsburg monarchy. Prelate Joseph Martin Nathan was the last Archbishop Commissioner. He was serving in Branice, Głubczyce County. In 1924 prelate Nathan was given the title of Vicar General, and in 1943 he received the title of Provisional Bishop. After Word War II the General Vicariate in Branice was cancelled and its area went under control of Polish Apostle Administration of Silesia, Opole.


Słowa kluczowe

Kościół, komisarz arcybiskupi, wikariat generalny, historia, historia Kościoła, ziemia głubczycka, Śląsk, Polska, Czechy, Church, Bishop Commissioner, General Vicariate, history, Church history, Silesia, Poland, Czech Republic


Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2015, R. 23, Nr 1, s. 185-197.


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