Katecheza z Chrystusem. Wymóg chrystocentryzmu we współczesnej katechezie




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Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej


The General Directory for Catechesis states that the aim of catechesis is not only putting people in touch, but also communion with Jesus Christ. This is a subjective definition of catechesis, which is connected with post-conciliar christocentrism. The author of the article shows the christocentric starting point in the theology and teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, compares references in general and Polish church documents, and answers the question: what kind of christocentrism is needed in contemporary catechesis. He does this in order to form rules about doctrinal catechesis. The author describes this kind of catechesis, drawing conclusions from Jesus Christ’s words: I am the way, the truth, and the life and using images of Christ which are important for people today: Christ the Liberator, Poor among the poors, and All-Loving. Catechesis with Christ familiarizes us with Christ’s teaching and intoduces us to His Word. It can only be effective when the catechist remembers that we have only one Teacher. There is no other way, because we can be saved only in Christ’s Name.


Słowa kluczowe

katecheza, Jezus Chrystus, chrystocentryzm, teologia, współczesność, życie, prawda, droga, katecheza doktrynalna, katecheza chrystocentryczna, catechesis, Jesus Christ, Christocentrism, theology, present, life, truth, way, doctrinal catechesis, Christocentric catechesis


Roczniki Teologiczne Warszawsko-Praskie, 2003, t. 3, s. 241-264.


Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland