Obraz Syjonu w Ps 134 źródłem natchnienia dla Łukasza w przedstawieniu roli Jeruzalem w Łk-Dz




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Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


The aim of the article is to show the relationship between an image of Zion-Jerusalem in the Ps 134 and the Lucan theology of the Holy City. Even though it is not easy to draw a certain conclusion on the issue, one could say that the Lucan idea of the Holy City is much more compound that the one present in the Psalter, but it is certainly built upon it. At first the third evangelist took the Psalmist’s point of view stressing both the role of Jerusalem and its sanctuary, but in the conclusion of his two volume work he preserved only a salvation-historical function of the City separating it from its cultic context.


Słowa kluczowe

Ps 134, Syjon, Jeruzalem, świątynia, teologia Łukasza, Dzieje Apostolskie, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Nowy Testament, Stary Testament, Księga Psalmów, natchnienie, natchnienie biblijne, Zion, Jerusalem, temple, theology of Luke, Acts of the Apostles, Bible, New Testament, Old Testament, Book of Psalms, inspiration, afflatus, biblical inspiration


Roczniki Biblijne, 2009, T. 1, nr 1, s. 191-200.


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