Stanowisko ks. Kazimierza Waisa wobec ewolucjonizmu




Tytuł czasopisma

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Tytuł tomu


Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie


Kazimierz Wais (b. 1865 d.1934) was a Catholic priest, theologian and philosopher. He graduated from Theological Faculty in Insbruck and Gregorian University in Rome.He was also a professor at the University of Lvov. He did research on the theory of evolution from the perspective of philosophy and Neo-Scholasticism. The philosopher was of the opinion that the theory of animal origin of a human being is groundless assumption. According to him direct creation of a human being (with a body and soul) dominates the view about indirect creation by means of evolution. Had palaeontology proved evolutionary origin of a man (which is very unlikely in his opinion), the Bible texts should be translated metaphorically. Then God would have turned out to be not direct but indirect maker of a human body. K. Wais thought it was not possible to reconcile views about changes of vegetable and animal species with the natural science facts. However, transformation of one variety into another within the same species is a certain thing or at least probable (so-called subspecies). According to him there are three acceptable ways of explaining the origin of species. The most probable is the conception of rationes séminales developed by St. Augustin. At the end of the article the most important documents of the Church were mentioned. They mark the stages of bringing together natural science, philosophy and theology with reference to the issue of evolution. Knowing K. Wais’ views on evolutionism allows appraising the process of getting all these subjects closer.


Słowa kluczowe

filozofia, teologia, pochodzenie człowieka, człowiek, ewolucja, ewolucjonizm, ewolucja człowieka, ewolucyjne pochodzenie człowieka, stworzenie człowieka, przyroda, natura, nauki przyrodnicze, stałość, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Kazimierz Wais, philosophy, theology, origin of man, human, evolution, evolutionism, evolution of man, evolutionary origin of man, creation of man, nature, natural sciences, constancy, Bible


Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2000, T. 19, cz. 2, s. 276-293.


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