Praktyka katechetyczno-duszpasterska alumnów Częstochowskiego Seminarium Duchownego




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Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne "Regina Poloniae"


The catechetical and pastoral practice is an introduction of the candidates to priesthood into their future pastoral activity. In our Diocese the fact that the Seminar is situated in Cracow, far from the Bishop's seat, necessitates the organizing of this practice in the area of the Diocese, to acquaint the alumni with the conditions of their future presbyterial work. The practice has both spontaneous and planned forms. During vacation the alumni help in the occasional catechetical instruction of children and youth, e.g. preparing to First Communion or the Sacrament of Confirmation. In the years when the teaching of religion had been conducted in school, the alumni visited the lessons of religion in school and under the direction of their professor conducted a few lessons themselves during one year. When in the year 1959/60 the parishes took over all the catechetical instruction, the alumni visited the lessons of religion in the catechetical centres of the Cracow parishes. Since 1966 the practice of the alumni is conducted almost exclusively in the area of their own diocese, especially in the parishes of Częstochowa. The practice has been enlarged by adding other branches of pastoral work. It lasts from 4 to 8 weeks of continued occupations which amounts to 100 to 200 hours of exercises, of which at least a half consists of catechetical instruction. Besides the practical occupations the alumni take part once a week in seminars and lectures on different branches of specialized pastoral work. The catechetical and pastoral practice in our diocese has profited by ten years of experience, and is continually seeking better organizational methods to prepare the alumni as well as possible to their future presbyterial work.


Słowa kluczowe

katecheza, katechetyka, duszpasterstwo, duszpasterze, seminaria, seminaria duchowne, biskupi, kapłani, duchowieństwo, nauczanie, nauczanie religii, szkoły, edukacja, wychowanie, parafie, diecezje, Kraków, Częstochowa, catechesis, ministry, clergy, priesthood, teaching, teaching religion, schools, religia, religion, education, upbringing, parishes, dioceses, Cracow


Częstochowskie Studia Teologiczne, 1975, T. 3, s. 81-94.


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