Znaczenie i historia dogmatów szkic wykładu




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Wydawnictwo Archidiecezji Przemyskiej


This is a lecture in the Catholic Social Formation Centre in Księżomierz (20 November, 2010). The meeting was organized by the Catholic Association Civitas Christiana and took place at the regional branch in Lublin. Elements of the lecture: 1. We Need Dogmas as Principles of Faith; 2. Dogmas in Apostolic Times; 3. Dogmas in the First Centuries of Christianity; 4. The Origin of Dogmas on the Path to Piety; 5. What is a Dogma in Dogmatizing Documents: in the Teaching of Councils and the Solernn Teaching of the Popes? 6. What Comes from Dogmas and Dogmatizing? 7. The Experience of Evangelical Churches; 8. The Value of Dogmas in Life; 9. The Definition. 10. Experience from Catholic-Lutheran Dialogue in the Global Forum; 11. Useful Elements ofthe Intelligent Catholic's Workshop.


Słowa kluczowe

teologia systematyczna, teologia, dogmaty, teologia dogmatyczna, wiara, Nowy Testament, Biblia, Pismo Święte, chrześcijaństwo, Kościół, reformacja, arianizm, protestantyzm, papieże, kapłani, duchowieństwo, sobór watykański II, Credo, wyznanie wiary, Skład Apostolski, Kościoły ewangelickie, Kościoły ewangelicko-augsburskie, Dogma - genesis, Dogma - statement, Dogma - necessity, Dogma in Evangelical Churches, Dogma in interchurch dialogue, theology, dogmatic theology, faith, New Testament, Bible, Christianity, Church, Reformation, Protestantism, popes, clergy, priesthood, Vatican II, Second Vatican Council, council, sobór, confession of faith, historia, history


Premislia Christiana, 2010-2011, T. 14, s. 201-209.


Attribution 3.0 Poland