Vinculum amoris. Duch Święty dogmatu trynitarnego




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


Pneumatology appeared in the beginning of the third century as this part of theology which gave the future of Christianity its form. It must articulate anew the ancient truth about the Holy Spirit, the truth elicited from the Trinitarian dogma. The latter is nothing new but the Hellenic translation of the Semitic language of the Biblical roots of the truth about the Third Person of the Holy Trinity. The discrepancies between the East and the West of Christianity (today overcome to a large extent) pose no obstacles in answering the principal pneumatological questions. Who is He? God, the Spirit of Christ for everyone and for all; the Bond of Love that forms the Divine relations, Divine-human, human, Vinculum amoris to put it simply.


Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

Duch Święty, więź miłości, osobowość Ducha Świętego, Paraklet, trynitologia, pneumatologia, filioque, semickie doświadczenie Boga, helleńska racjonalność, duchowość Miłości, miłość, doświadczenie, doświadczenie Boga, teologia, teologia dogmatyczna, dogmaty, dogmat trynitarny, vinculum amoris, Holy Spirit, bond of love, personality of the Holy Spirit, Paraclete, trinitology, pneumatology, Semitic experience of God, Hellenic rationality, spirituality of Love, love, experience, experience of God, theology, dogmatic theology, dogmas, Trinitarian dogma


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2002, T. 49, z. 2, s. 89-99.


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