Jeana Mouroux elementy personalistycznej koncepcji objawienia




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


Jean Mouroux worked out the conceptions of Revelation, miracle, and faith in the personalistic categories. He might not have completed all the elements of the personalistic conception of Revelation, for such a conception has not been worked out until today. He was the first to have created its foundations. In this context it is worth reminding and analyzing J. Mouroux’s views on the issue of the personal understanding of Divine Revelation, for his views are still up to date and can be a stimulus for further investigations in this respect. The present study has discussed the concept of Divine Revelation and the way it is handed down by the Church, obviously in the personalistic aspect. In the conception of J. Mouroux, Revelation bears a personalistic, existential and dynamic character. Its author is God Himself who in various manners personally or through His mediators meets the man half way and calls him to Himself. Now God does it through His Church which is a personal mediator of Divine Revelation. Indeed J. Mouroux has not worked out completely all the aspects of the personalistic conception of Revelation, neither has he come up with a clear definition of personalism itself, or even of the person; has not linked closely Revelation with salvation; there are grounds for this in his writing; some statements arouse doubts from our point of view today, e.g. that God’s love is revealed only in the Church (whereas it concerns the world and all humanity); nevertheless he has paved the way for a personal approach to Revelation, and, as a consequence, to faith as its correlate. In this way he started to lay foundations for the construction of the personalistic conception of fundamental theology.


Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

Jean Mouroux, personalizm, personalistyczna koncepcja objawienia, objawienie, teologia, filozofia, Kościół, Jezus Chrystus, objawienie Boże, Bóg, Bóg Ojciec, historia, personalism, personalistic concept of revelation, revelation, theology, philosophy, Church, Jesus Christ, God's revelation, God, God the Father, history


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2000, T. 47, z. 9, s. 13-29.


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