Przygotowanie i przebieg wizyty Jana Pawła II w Tarnowie w dniach od 9 do 10 czerwca 1987 roku w świetle dokumentów sprawy obiektowej „Pielgrzym”




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Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie


On the route of the third pilgrimage of Pope John Paul II to Poland, which took place from June 8 to 14, 1987 was Tarnów. Holy Father Pope John Paul II arrived to Tarnow in the late evening of June 9 and left in the afternoon of the next day. During this time, he met with the large number of faithful people who came from across the South–East of Poland and beyond. During Mass on June 10 he celebrated to the glory of the altars Karolina Kózka who was murdered by a Russian soldier on November 18, 1914. He also met with the clergy in the Cathedral Square in Tarnów. Activities that were related to the protection of Pope John Paul II during his visit in Tarnów were given the codename ,,Aurora II”. During Popes visit In Tarnow there were appointed head of security staff and several operational teams. Tarnow SB officers were supported by the officers from neighboring provinces. The documents related to this task were in the briefcase 8 I 1987, code-named object file ,,Pilgrim”.


Streszczenie tłumaczyła mgr Ilona Bibrowicz.

Słowa kluczowe

Służba Bezpieczeństwa, Jan Paweł II, Karol Wojtyła, papieże, błogosławieni, arcybiskupi, Jerzy Ablewicz, plac Katedralny w Tarnowie, Tarnów, sztab kierujący zabezpieczeniem wizyty papieskiej w Tarnowie, zabezpieczenie wizyty papieskiej w Tarnowie, Security Service, John Paul II, popes, archbishops, blessed, Cathedral Square in Tarnów, pielgrzymki, pilgrimages, pielgrzymki papieskie, papal pilgrimages, operacja „Posesja”


Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2012, T. 31, cz. 2, s. 83-102.


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