Dialog Boga z człowiekiem

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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The starting point of our considerations here is the phenomenon of the contemporary crisis in the philosophy of life. On the one hand it bears the characteristics of atheistic contestation. On the other hand it reveals, within the Fellowship of the Church of Christ, a doctrinal relativism which questions the unambiguous character of the dogmas of faith and of the principles of Christian morality. The author touches upon the basic problem of faith, which to the religious man reveals the proper sense of life and action. It is man’s problem today to seek and find the light. The latter being faith which allows to enter into an existential dialogue with God, and in this encounter to find out the basic calling and moral obligations. The author states that „the dialogue of faith” is a gift of the love of the Creator. From the dawn of human history God has accompanied man, has shown him the greatness of His Glory and has given man in His Son, the Word of grace, salvation and sanctification, demanding in return an active faith, imbued with love. This encounter being after the manner of dialogue, for its part, the greatness and development of the Christian, explains the puzzle of his destiny, and allows to undertake the tasks of personal and social apostleship.


Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.


dialog, Bóg, człowiek, wiara, zbawienie, objawienie, Objawienie Boże, relacje, Duch Święty, dialogue, God, human, faith, salvation, revelation, relationships, Holy Spirit


Roczniki Teologiczne, 1994, T. 41, z. 3, s. 99-112.


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