Powstanie i organizacja Instytutu Historii Kościoła przy KUL

dc.contributor.authorKumor, Bolesław
dc.descriptionTłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Jan Kłos.pl_PL
dc.description.abstractBefore 1939 there were 7 chairs of the Church’s history at the theological faculties in Cracow, Warsaw, Lvov, Vilnus and Lublin in the then Poland. In Cracow and Lvov worked two separate chairs of the Church's history in Poland. After 1945 only three theological faculties and four chairs of the Church's history (Cracow, Lublin, and Warsaw) remained within the borders of the new Polish Stale. In 1946 Fr Mieczysław Żywczyński took the chair of the Church's history at KUL which chair had been vacant for a couple of years. In 1950 there was established a separate chair of the Church's history in the Christian ancient times and the history of theology, and it was Fr dr Marian Rechowicz who was appointed to this chair. On September 1, 1957, three chairs of the Church's history: of the ancient times, Middle Ages, modem and contemporary history were created at the Faculty of Theology on September 1,1957. Thanks to Fr Rector M. Rechowicz's personal engagement the Congregation of the Seminaries and Universities issued a document on 6lh February 1964 which erected the Institute of the Church's History at the Theological Faculty at KUL. The Institue includes 7 chairs: the chair of the Christian ancient times (Fr Bolesław Kumor, then Fr bp Jan Śrutwa), the chair of the Middle Ages (Fr Marian Rechowicz, then Fr Marek Zahajkiewicz), the chair of the modem and contemporary history (F r Mieczysław Żywczyński, then contemporary Fr Bolesław Kumor, 19th and 20th centuries – Fr Zygmunt Zieliński), the chair of auxiliary sciences and methodology (Fr Stanislaw Librowski, then Fr A. Weiss), palrology (Fr Jan Szymusiak), then Fr Franciszek Drączkowski), the history to theology (Fr Marian Rechowicz, then Fr Henryk Wojtyska). Three learned papers arc connected with the Institute: “Archives, Libraries and Church Museums”, Theological-canonical Annuals, and fascicles “The History of the Church” and “The Works of the Institue of the Church’s History”.pl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRoczniki Teologiczne, 1991-1992, T. 38-39, z. 4, s. 141-144.pl_PL
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiegopl_PL
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland*
dc.subjectorganizacja Instytutu Historii Kościoła przy KULpl_PL
dc.subjectpowstanie Instytutu Historii Kościoła przy KULpl_PL
dc.subjectKatolicki Uniwersytet Lubelskipl_PL
dc.subjectInstytut Historii Kościoła KULpl_PL
dc.subjecthistoria Kościołapl_PL
dc.subjectorganisation of the Institute of Church History at the Catholic University of Lublinpl_PL
dc.subjectestablishment of the Institute of Church History at the Catholic University of Lublinpl_PL
dc.subjectCatholic University of Lublinpl_PL
dc.subjectChurch historypl_PL
dc.subjectuniwersytety teologicznepl_PL
dc.subjecttheological universitiespl_PL
dc.subjectstudia teologicznepl_PL
dc.subjectstudies in theologypl_PL
dc.titlePowstanie i organizacja Instytutu Historii Kościoła przy KULpl_PL
dc.title.alternativeThe Establishment and Organization of the Institute of the Church's History at the Catholic University of Lublinpl_PL


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