Od gliny do szkła: naczynia szklane w starożytnej Palestynie na przykładzie znalezisk w Hippos (Sussita)
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The article presents the glass material discovered at Hippos by the Polish and Israeli teams during the excavations conducted there between 2000-2009. The repertoire of glass vessels covers the period from the late Hellenistic through Early Islamic periods. The earliest glass is represented by the late Hellenistic to early Roman-period cast vessels. However, the majority of glass finds are blown vessels dated to the Roman-period and later. After a short presentation of the main forms (cups, deep and shallow bowls, bottles, drinking vessels, beakers, wine glasses and lamps), the author discusses in more detail some glass assemblages and their value for interpretation of one of the discovered buildings. Still another problem is that concerning glass vessels used in liturgical context. Thanks to the discoveries in Sussita the author is able to provide a tentative picture of the glass assemblages characteristic of churches and to determine which of the vessels might have served a liturgical function.
Zawiera ilustracje i fotografie.
Słowa kluczowe
naczynia, naczynia szklane, sztuka użytkowa, rzemiosło artystyczne, szkło, odkrycia archeologiczne, archeologia, Palestyna, Hippos, Sussita, starożytność, życie codzienne, historia, historia sztuki, sztuka, artefakty, vessels, glassware, applied arts, handicrafts, glass, archaeological discoveries, archeology, archaeology, Palestine, antiquity, daily life, history, art history, art, artefacts, glina, clay, naczynia gliniane, crocks
Scripta Biblica et Orientalia, 2010, T. 2, s. 141-172.
Attribution 3.0 Poland