Biskup jako pierwszy katecheta w diecezji
Tytuł czasopisma
ISSN czasopisma
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie
According to Church documents, a bishop is obliged to proclaim personally the Gospel to the faithful. He has also the mission of bringing about and maintaining a passion for catechesis in his diocese by pertinent and effective organization. Therefore the presented paper first discusses the theme of proclaiming the Gospel, then touches the problem of managing the catechetical ministry by appropriate structures and appointed assistants, followed by the problem of the formation of catechists. The paper applies the method of analysis of the Church Vatican II and post-Vatican II documents. A series of conclusions and personal suggestions was presented, the latter – although based on the mentioned documents – still being rather propositions.
Słowa kluczowe
diecezje, katecheci, katecheza, biskupi, kapłani, duchowieństwo, Diecezjalny Referat Katechetyczny, Diecezjalna Rada Katechetyczna, uczelnia kościelna, dioceses, catechesis, catechists, bishops, clergy, priesthood, Diocesan Catechetical Section, Diocesan Council for Catechesis, Church university, Church college, universities, uniwersytety
Veritati et Caritati, 2016, T. 6, s. 79-95.
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