Świętego Brunona życie i działalność

dc.contributor.authorMarkowski, Władysław
dc.description.abstractSaint Bruno lived 35 years. He was a missionary bishop. He received palium from pope St. Sylvester II with the power to consecrate bishops. He was born in Querfurt, finished famous cathedral school in Mahrburg and traveled as missionary from Aachen till Kiev, from Rome till Gniezno first capital of Poland. The foundation of his missionary vocation was to work only amongst pagans, so he was ready, right from the beginning of his mission, to lay down his own life for it. And it was exactly what happened on the 9th of March 1009 somewhere in the land of Prussia. Was he forgotten? In a way yes, because the oldest polish chronicles do not mention him. Why? because he was a German by birth? Or there was a return of paganism in Poland in the years 1034-1039? Or he was not canonized as splendidly as St. Adalbertus (Wojciech)? Also it is difficult to establish exact itinerary of life and work of St. Bruno. Especially in which place he was first and what he did there. But St. Bruno was always present in Polish and German medieval historiography. He is mentioned in the context of the universal plans of ceasar Otto III or the policy of Henry II or the missions amongst the Prussians. The opinions of the historians about Bruno are of one voice: S. Zakrzewski writes: “in the spiritual culture of Poland of King Boleslaus the Great Bruno takes the most prominent place”. Fr Ladislaus Nowak describes Bruno as: “shining bridge of efforts to find peace and friendship between Polish and German nations”. George Strzelczyk calls Bruno: ”true witness who loved Poland and Poles”. Zbigniew Mikolejko writes: ”Bruno was one of the most important persons in the beginning of Polish history”, and Zbigniew Gach gives this descriptions: “Bruno wanted to be like Christ in humility, goodness, labour and first of all in martyrdom. As missionary and writer he became a pillar of the Church in Poland in XI century”. As for me the journey on the steps of St. Bruno was an experience of seeing a great person, perhaps weak as human being but giant as Apostle in keeping the faith. Bruno marched with the Book of the Gospel not with the sword and great army but with the Cross of Jesus Christ. And today Bruno can be seen as an example of the process of “new evangelization”. And he asks each one of us today: “what are you able to offer from your life to God? What kind of testimony you give about God through your own life?”
dc.identifier.citationStudia Ełckie, 2007, T. 9, s. 405-416.
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
dc.rightsCC-BY-NC-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnych
dc.subjectBruno z Kwerfurtu
dc.subjectBruno of Querfurt
dc.subjectX w.
dc.subjectXI w.
dc.subjectMiddle Ages
dc.titleŚwiętego Brunona życie i działalność
dc.title.alternativeSt. Bruno’s Life and Work


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