Koncepcja programu katechezy biblijnej w parafii




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie


The present paper is a trial of a comprehensive view of the pastoral care in a parish with respect to the biblical catechesis. It brings forward a proposal of a general programme of biblical catechesis involving various groups of the faithful, which can be made more precise within selected ranges according to the needs and capabilities. Planning of catechetical projects and their verification, which falls within the scope of material catechetics, is mentioned as one of the tasks of catechetics. The paper is intended mainly for the researchers in the field of catechetics, especially those interested in the programming of catechesis.


Słowa kluczowe

katecheza, katecheza parafialna, katecheza biblijna, program katechezy biblijnej, Biblia, Pismo Święte, parafie, catechesis, parish catechesis, biblical catechesis, programme of biblical catechesis, Bible, parishes


Veritati et Caritati, 2017, T. 9, s. 143-166.


Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland