Axionormative Determinants of Social Entrepreneurship in View of the Principles of Catholic Social Teaching




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow


The role of Catholic social teaching has been attributed to the promotion of moral values and principles that should be considered when establishing or evaluating a given social, economic, or political system. This also applies to smaller structures, specific institutions, concepts, and practical social solutions, which may include social entrepreneurship. The article aims to confirm the hypothesis that, taking into account the principles of Catholic social teaching in the process of discovering the axionormative determinants of social entrepreneurship allows its deeper understanding and more effective implementation of its praxeological goals. At the beginning of the paper, the author emphasises the common source of all general and specific axionormative criteria of the two analysed disciplines – the dignity of a human person. Further deliberations revolve around other values and principles, such as the value of human work and entrepreneurship, the common good, the universal destination of goods, the preferential option for the poor, solidarity, subsidiarity, and participation.


Słowa kluczowe

axiology, Catholic social teaching, personalism, principles, social entrepreneurship, social values, society, dignity, human dignity, dignity of the human person, human, person, human person, common good, social love, principle of subsidiarity, aksjologia, katolicka nauka społeczna, personalizm, zasady, przedsiębiorczość społeczna, wartości społeczne, społeczeństwo, godność, godność człowieka, godność osoby ludzkiej, człowiek, osoba, osoba ludzka, dobro wspólne, miłość społeczna, zasada pomocniczości


The Person and the Challenges, 2023, Vol. 13, No. 1, p. 37-49.


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