Rola biskupów hiszpańskich w kształtowaniu dogmatu trynitarnego na tle kryzysu ariańskiego




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie


Doctrinal matters concerning the Christological and Trinitarian dogma were in the fourth century the centre of Christian theology. Particular theological defnitions concerning the divinity of the Son and seeing the Holy Trinity were included in the statement of belief from Antakya, Nice, Sirmium and Rimini. Theological dispute was focused on the Aryan controversy. Spanish bishops took part in it, as well. The crucial role in the debate was played by out-theological factors, such as ecclesial politics or the emperors’ opinion. Many of them had an infuence on this process. An active role was played by Hosius of Corduba. However he was not able either to compromise the schism of Melitene or bring together Arius and the bishop. Hosius took part as well in synod of Antioch in 325, when the statement of belief vituperating Arianism was formed. In spite of a lot of studies on the Council of Nice, it was impossible to determine real reasons of its calling and proceedings of discussions. Constantine the Great did not understand the signifcation of theological dispute. Crucial for later discussion concerning the Trinity, the notion of coexistence the Father and the Son was criticized because of the lack of this term in the Holy Bible and materialistic associations which it awoke. In 357 Hosius from Corduba signed Arian creed, which was determined by Hilarius of Poitiers as “blasphemy from Sirmium”. It had great infuence on Spanish churches and led to divisions. In 359 western bishops during the synod in Rimini took the Arian attitude as well. Lucifer of Cagliari did not accept it. He was supported by Gregory of Elwira. Gregory in antiarian De fde protected the equality of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Probably Lucifer, Gregory and Philo of Libya were not on the side of Arian. From the theological history point of view, it has turned out that the Arian dispute was one of the most serious doctrine disputes not only in ancient times, but in all history of Christianity.


Słowa kluczowe

wiara, protestantyzm, Trójca Święta, dogmaty, arianizm, wyznanie wiary, współistotny, Stanisław Hozjusz, kardynałowie, kapłani, duchowieństwo, faith, Protestantism, Holy Trinity, dogmas, Arianism, statement of belief, consubstantial, Stanislaw Hosius, cardinals, clergy, priesthood


Veritati et Caritati, 2018, T. 10, s. 401-417.


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