Jakość homilii
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Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
A homily as part of the liturgy is a Holy act like the whole liturgy. The Good News should be its essence. The Good News, Jesus Christ – the Crucified, the Risen, the Giver of the Holy Spirit. He makes himself present in the liturgy, in a real word. He comes to a sinful man to save him. Therefore homily is the meeting of God and man. It’s God’s Word made present in the word of a human preacher. Appropriate knowledge of the Holy Bible and human matters as well as the inclusion of the issues of Christian faith presented in thematic homilies certainly improve their quality.
Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia / Summary translated by Andrzej Krasowski.
Słowa kluczowe
homilia, homilia tematyczna, celebracja sakramentalna, życie wspólnoty, liturgia, jakość homilii, homily, thematics homily, liturgical celebration, congregation’s life, liturgy, quality of homily, teologia, theology, liturgika, liturgics
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne, 2010, T. 1 (57), s. 128-140.
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