Problem przekonań w myśli kardynała J.H. Newmana




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu


In the process of formation of convictions the dominant element is thinking, but the elements of volition and affection are present there as well. Sometimes affectionate attitudes may even cause deformation in perception and reasoning. Such phenomena occur with fanatics of all sorts. According to Newman the ways of arriving to the true convictions are many, depending on the given field of interest. In the field of empirical reality the best method will be that of experimentation and practical tests. In the pure mathematics and logics – a priori methods give the best results, but they fail in exploration of concrete beings. In the latter case we arrive to the conclusions and to the assurance not through the gate of syllogisms but by accumulation of probabilities. According to Newman this is the only way to arrive to assurance in the field of religion. It is obvious to the author of “Grammar of Assent” that both in the matters of everyday life and in the scientific problems, but also in the revealed religion, the method of authority is of great value.


Słowa kluczowe

John Henry Newman, święci, kardynałowie, przekonania, światopogląd, rozum, doświadczenie, myślenie, metody dochodzenia do przekonań, dochodzenie do przekonań, autorytet, saints, cardinals, beliefs, worldview, reason, experience, thinking, methods of inquiring into beliefs, inquiring into beliefs, authority


Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2002, R. 10, Nr 1, s. 53-57.


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