Jan Paweł II o soborowej ikonie Maryi




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


In 1987 John Paul II issued a Marian encyclical Redemptoris Mater (RM) that had long been expected. It was published twenty years after Vatican Council II and it cannot neglect such an important passage of its documents as the eighth chapter of Lumen gentium (LG). Thus it is worth considering how the pope interprets councilor Mariology, where he lays stress, or proposes new approaches. The article attempts to find answers to the questions by virtue of an analysis of: first the method of lecture (aim, structure, source), then some content elements (Christotypicality and ecclesiotypicality, faith, intercession, motherhood, the principle „Through Jesus to Mary”). On the basis of the analysis one can say: 1. John Paul II took over the essential directions of the Council – a return to the sources. He bases himself mainly on the Bible, the teaching of the Fathers, liturgy (of course also on the teaching of the Council). He introduces yet other sources (the teaching of the holy leaders of Marian piety), which was out of the point at the Council. 2. RM follows also LG VIII in seeking a balance between Christotypical and ecclesiotypical directions. 3. John Paul II emphasizes strongly some thoughts included in LG VIII, making them the main threads of his encyclical: Mary's faith (especially the pilgrimage of faith), motherhood, and intercession in Christ. 4. There are statements in RM which we do not find in LG VIII. The teaching on the intercession to Christ refers to the traditional model. The interpretation of the scene under the cross also goes back to the tradition in the sense of establishing spiritual motherhood and propagating the piety based on trust To new elements belong the teaching on the maternal intercession, intercession and motherhood in the Holy G host 5. It is difficult to find some elements of the teaching of LG VIII which have not been touched upon by RM. Alongside the councilor approaches there are also the post-Councilor and new ones which are attempts to solve some problems that have not been solved by the Council. 6. RM takes on an ecumenical perspective, following the Council. It has however in its teaching new elements which bear a various ecumenical value. The Biblical character of RM is very important as well as laying stress on the role of Mary's faith (Protestants' sola fide!), its dynamism and seeking new forms of teaching about the intercession of Mary. The teaching of the Mother's intercession to Her Son, on the spiritual motherhood established on the cross, or on the trust as particularly indicated form of Marian piety are difficult to accept by our Christian brothers of other denominations.


Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

macierzyństwo, macierzyństwo duchowe, duchowe macierzyństwo Maryi, pośrednictwo, pośrednictwo Maryi, wiara, wiara Maryi, Lumen gentium, Maryja, dokumenty soborowe, dokumenty Kościoła, Redemptoris Mater, encyklika, Jan Paweł II, papieże, Karol Wojtyła, kult, kult maryjny, eklezjologia, chrystologia, ekumenizm, teologia, chrystotypiczność, eklezjotypiczność, sobór watykański II, sobór, soborowa ikona Maryi, ikona, ikona Maryi, motherhood, Mary's motherhood, spiritual motherhood, Mary's spiritual motherhood, mediation, Marian mediation, faith, Mary's faith, Mary, conciliar documents, encyclic, John Paul II, popes, cult, cult of Mary, ecclesiology, Christology, ecumenism, theology, Christotypicality, ecclesiotypicity, council, Second Vatican Council, Vatican II, conciliar icon of Mary, icon, icon of Mary, macierzyństwo Maryi


Roczniki Teologiczne, 1991-1992, T. 38-39, z. 2, s. 121-131.


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