Międzypokoleniowy przekaz wartości w rodzinie




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Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu


The modern family experiences various crisis situations. These situations result from micro-sociological conditions such as: unemployment, lack of accomodation, economic poverty, mechanisms of the free market, inpouring of various values from the countries of Western Europe. The modern family is characterized by individuality and autonomy, isolates itself from any wider communities because of which its intimacy grows. The disappearance of traditional forms of marriage and family is also observable for the benefit of a relationship based on values, norms characteristic for the partner model. Family home is an extremely important social environment for children and young people, in which the grounds, norms of dealing, patterns of behaviour and the system of values are instilled into them. The goal of the following article is to attempt to answer the question what the value of intergenerational transfer of values in the family is and its impact on the modern family and also presenting the continuity of changes in the structure and functions of the modern family.


Słowa kluczowe

rodzina, rodzice, tradycja, wartości, wartości rodziny, wychowanie religijne, system wartości, środowisko rodzinne, religijność, młodzież, społeczeństwo, family, parents, tradition, values, values in the family, religious upbringing, value system, family environment, religiousness, youth, society


Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2015, R. 23, Nr 1, s. 139-154.


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