Charakter chrześcijański w pismach Józefa Bilczewskiego jako świadectwo wizji wychowawczej Kościoła na przełomie XIX i XX wieku




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Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne


In the history of pedagogical thought the issue of shaping character has often been taken up. This article, which analyses the writings of the outstanding Polish theologian and teacher, archbishop Józef Bilczewski, and pays special attention to their Christian character, is part of the above mentioned trend. The authors of the article provide answers to three fundamental questions: how did Józef Bilczewski define character, what elements did he recognise in it and in whom did he see the first model for the Christian character? The issues reflected upon in this article refer not only to the history of Christian pedagogical thought in Poland, but they are also relevant to contemporary pedagogical practice and upbringing. Developing a clear stand on the issue of forming character is also important for modern religious education, which by its nature is connected with upbringing in faith, and at the same time is oriented to the complete personal and social development of a man.


Słowa kluczowe

Józef Bilczewski, chrześcijaństwo, Kościół, wychowanie, charakter chrześcijański, charakter, historia, XIX w., XX w., teologia, psychologia, pedagogika, dydaktyka, cechy charakteru, cnoty, cnoty moralne, moralność, Jezus Chrystus, Christianity, Church, education, Christian character, character, history, theology, psychology, pedagogy, didactics, personality traits, virtues, moral virtues, morality, Jesus Christ


Studia Gdańskie, 2009, T. 24, s. 139-147.


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