Starania papieża Hormizdasa na rzecz przywrócenia jedności w Kościele w latach 515-517




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The efforts made by Pope Hormizdas (514-523) to end the painful split in the Church were expressed by sending twice his legacy to the East, in order to carry on unification negotiations. They were based on the anathema on patriarch Acatios, the author of the split, and on the signature of the famous Fides Hormisdae papae, a formulation of unification whose core is constituted by the approval of the primary role of the Holy See in the defence of the purity of the faith. The first journey was made by the legates in 515, it was a response given to the initiative of Caesar Anastazy I (491-518). The caesar initiated the unification talks, forced to it by the revolt of Vitalian. Unfortunately, the journey was unsuccessful. The second expedition of the envoys sent by Pope Hormizdas in 517 did not bring about any effects, either. Both the first and the second attempt to restore unity was countered by Caesar Anastazy who remained completely intransigent and whose religious policy turned out to be fossilized towards the full openness of the pope.


Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

Hormizdas papież, kapłani, duchowieństwo, papieże, chrześcijaństwo, historia, historia Kościoła, Kościół, jedność, VI w., jedność Kościoła, popes, clergy, priesthood, Christianity, history, Church history, Church, unity, Church unity, Pope Hormizdas


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2000, T. 47, z. 4, s. 25-36.


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