Sakrament chrztu jako zobowiązanie do świętości




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Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie UPJPII w Krakowie


Similarly to the teaching of John Paul II, the present-day Holy Father Benedict XVI in his utterances on the subject of the sacrament of baptism often presents this sacrament as a source of commitment to strive for sanctity. At the same time he does it on numerous occasions in the Marian context. Pointing to the Immaculately Conceived, he underscores that she was the first one to received this gift which we all received through baptism. For this reason, one should call upon her help in order to live in the grace of holiness. For despite false beliefs, holiness is not a luxury, is not a privilege of the few, is not an unachievable goal for an ordinary man. In reality, it is a common destiny of all people, particularly those already baptised. This motive of a universal nature of the commitment to sanctity returns in the analyses conducted in this present study. Striving for sanctity which stems from the sacrament of baptism contains a call to heroic love. The Holy Spirit gives the gift of courage for effective fight against evil and sin to live in a truly Christian way. The baptised receive the Holy Spirit in order to be a participant in the continuation of Christ’s mission of Messiah in the Church, to be able to lead a life of a God’s child, to give testimony to the truth up to martyrdom. This strengthening of the Holy Spirit is needed by the baptised increasingly more, the more personal evil (Satan) and structures of evil (results of man’s decisions), also in today’s world, utilise the method of persecution of the Christian faith. All who through baptism become disciples of Christ should receive, with great hope, Jesus’ words, „But the one who endures to the end will be saved" (Mt 10:22).


Słowa kluczowe

chrzest, świętość, grzech, nawrócenie, wiara, miłość, posłuszeństwo, Eucharystia, bierzmowanie, baptism, holiness, sanctity, sin, conversion, faith, love, obedience, Eucharist, confirmation, sakramenty, sacraments


Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2010, T. 29, cz. 2, s. 61-81.


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