Rola katechumenatu rodzinnego w inicjacji eucharystycznej dziecka




Tytuł czasopisma

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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


One of the main aims of the Church is to bring new and new multitudes of Christians to full participation in the mystery of Eucharist as the “sawrce and chimax”. (Kl. 10) The analysis of history confirms, that this was always the consciousness of the Church. Nevertheless, history also shows that the form of doing this duty underwent ewolution, accordingly to changes in the Church and the world, and even arrived at certain overgrowths and overstresses. On the other hand, howerer, there were no lack of efforts towards overcoming them, and better fulfilment of this duty (the proof of it is, among others, encyclical of Pius X, ”Quam singulari”). Contemporaty consciousness of the Church, embodied in edicts of Vatican Council II, grows from the turn to sowrces, and then it allows for doing all the duties in the field of salutary service relatively comprehensively and in all dimensions. In the problem of interest, its full formulation follow the appeal to catechumenate, as the fundamental institution, however, without bringing its historical structures, back to life. The catechumenate .for contemporary times, after the practice of baptigation of new-born, babies had been established, appears to be a family catechumenate, as the frame and groundwork of the development of theiz belief. To the result of it, family – “eclesiola” (KK. II) – does the basic duties in the process of eucharistic initiation of a child. The paper stresses the responsibility of a family, and analyses its own originality in this respect, both in the field of nature and method.


Słowa kluczowe

teologia, theology, teologia pastoralna, pastoral theology, katechumenat, catechumenate, katechumenat rodzinny, family catechumenate, rodzina, family, dzieci, children, inicjacja eucharystyczna, eucharistic initiation, inicjacja, initiation, Eucharystia, Eucharist, sakramenty, sacraments, życie religijne, religious life


Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1976, T. 23, z. 6, s. 63-75.


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