Polska polityka morska za panowania ostatnich dwóch Jagiellonów i jej pokłosie
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Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
Morze Bałtyckie stanowiło ważny punkt na mapie państwa polskiego, stąd też zmagania o dostęp do niego ukształtowały myśl morską już u jego zarania. Zygmunt Stary jako pierwszy król Polski docenił posiadanie własnej floty wojennej. Politykę morską ojca prowadził Zygmunt August, naczelny admirał polskiej floty wojennej. Po śmierci Zygmunta Augusta strażnikom morskim przewodził starosta pucki pułkownik Ernest Wejher. Panowanie Stefana Batorego nie przyczyniło się do pogłębienia aspiracji morskich Rzeczypospolitej, a panowanie Zygmunta III Wazy oraz panowanie jego synów, Władysława IV i Jana Kazimierza wypełnione były walkami ze Szwecją o stan posiadania nad Bałtykiem. Złoty Wiek był chlubnym epizodem w morskich dziejach Rzeczypospolitej.
The Baltic Sea was a very important point on the map of the Polish state, hence the struggle for access to the sea has shaped the maritime thought from the dawn of its history. Sigismund the Old was the first Polish king who appreciated having his own navy, Sigismund’s maritime policy was run by his son, Sigismund Augustus, supreme admiral of the Polish Navy. After his death the marine guards were led by the governor of Puck Colonel Ernest Wejher. The reign of Stephen Bathory did not contribute to the deepening of the Polish Republic’s maritime aspirations. The reign of Sigismund III Vasa and his sons: Władysław IV Vasa and John II Casimir Vasa were filled with struggles against Sweden on the holdings of the Baltic Sea. The Golden Age was, however, a notable episode in the history of the Maritime Republic.
The Baltic Sea was a very important point on the map of the Polish state, hence the struggle for access to the sea has shaped the maritime thought from the dawn of its history. Sigismund the Old was the first Polish king who appreciated having his own navy, Sigismund’s maritime policy was run by his son, Sigismund Augustus, supreme admiral of the Polish Navy. After his death the marine guards were led by the governor of Puck Colonel Ernest Wejher. The reign of Stephen Bathory did not contribute to the deepening of the Polish Republic’s maritime aspirations. The reign of Sigismund III Vasa and his sons: Władysław IV Vasa and John II Casimir Vasa were filled with struggles against Sweden on the holdings of the Baltic Sea. The Golden Age was, however, a notable episode in the history of the Maritime Republic.
Słowa kluczowe
artykuły morskie, dominium maris baltici, wojny inflanckie, flota kaperska, Inflanty, kaper, strażnicy morscy, Złoty Wiek, polityka morska, historia, Golden Age, Livonia, Livonian War, marine guards, maritime articles, privateer, privateer fleet, maritime policy, history
Studia Gdańskie, 2012, T. 31, s. 225-244.
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