Stan badań nad Tekami Patykiewicza w Archiwum Archidiecezji Częstochowskiej im. Ks. Walentego Patykiewicza w Częstochowie
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie
Among priests in diocese of Częstochowa there are some who had taken up historical studies. One of them was fr. Walenty Patykiewicz (1903 – 1980), who devoted all his life to this branch. He had proper education towards this matter (doctorate in the History of Church), but first of all he is famous for the creation of Archive of Częstochowa Diocese and its head. All Patykiewicz’s private archive counting about 600 units was taken after his death by this institution. The set of these archival materials was separated and called Patykiewicz’s Folders. In 2010 – 2015 inventorying works were taken over them and they consist of distinguishing particular sections which contractually were called: (I) history of diocese of Czestochowa and (II) history of other polish dioceses. Next the works were concentrated on the first theme block which was divided into: (1) Diocesan institutions, (2) Offices and deaneries, (3) Parishes and places, (4) Clergy, (5) Orders and congregations, (6) Worship and pastoral work and (6) Others (materials to diocesan catalogues and seals, for instance). As a result of inventorying process 22 sketches in typing, 73 folders with historical materials and 5 copies of books were selected in the section: Parishes and places. Next stage of working over ordering this set will be taken in the second part of 2016.
Słowa kluczowe
stan badań, archiwa, diecezje, diecezja częstochowska, inwentaryzacja, księża, kapłani, duchowieństwo, materiały archiwalne, Teki Patykiewicza, zespół archiwalny, state of research, archives, dioceses, diocese of Częstochowa, priests, clergy, priesthood, archival materials, Patykiewicz’s Folders, archival group, inventory
Veritati et Caritati, 2016, T. 6, s. 273-286.
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland