Świadectwo niezłomnej wiary i świętości błogosławionego księdza Gerharda Hirschfeldera




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Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu


The article presents the profile of Blessed Gerhard Hirschfelder, a Catholic priest, with particular respect to his attitude towards National Socialism in the Third Reich. His life testimony proves his radical rejection of this browshirt ideology, introduced by Adolf Hitler. Born and raised in Klodzko, Poland, and ordained a priest in Wroclaw, he performed his pastoral duties first in Czermna and then in Bystrzyca. The author provides a number of examples of his noble approach to people, filled with dedicated love at the price oh his health and life, of which he was eventually deprived in the concentration camp in Dachau. His testimony of faith has been alive thanks to those who witnessed his life. Nowadays, this faith legacy is fostered particularly by the clergy as well as the lay people of the Świdnica Diocese, headed by Bishop Ignacy Dec, the first bishop of the Diocese.


Słowa kluczowe

Gerhard Hirschfelder, Kłodzko, błogosławieni, Ignacy Dec, narodowy socjalizm, nazizm, diecezja świdnicka, wiara, świętość, świadectwo, Dachau, Bystrzyca, Czermna, męczennicy, męczeństwo, kapłani, kapłaństwo, duszpasterze, duszpasterstwo, Hitlerjugend, młodzież, pastor optimus, Trzecia Rzesza, historia, Niemcy, biografia, blessed, national socialism, nazism, Diocese of Świdnica, faith, sanctity, testimony, martyrs, martyrdom, priests, priesthood, pastors, ministers, ministry, youth, Third Reich, history, Germany, biography


Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2015, R. 23, Nr 1, s. 19-35.


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