Relatywizm na gruncie filozofii oraz nauk empirycznych




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Wydawnictwo Archidiecezji Przemyskiej


Presentation of the issue: In this study the author refers to the phenomenon of relativism as a threat to contemporary thought and culture. He presents the arguments for rejecting it in philosophy, epistemology, and empirical Sciences. Background: Nowadays relativism became very common modę ofperception of the truth about reality and of the reality itself. Beeing a form of the etemal dispute about the truth, relativism is seen as one of the biggest risks for modem way of thinking and culture as awhole. Contemporary relativism in its origins refers to hermeneutics, Marxism, pragmatism, and American analytic philosophy (Adam Grobler). Results: The text shows the implementation ofthe postulates ofrelativism that rejects the absolute naturę of the truth, in the philosophy and empirical Sciences. Conclusions: In conclusion, the author of the study arguments for the necessity of objective truth, expressing a fundamental disagreement on relativism and proving the impossibility of relativism and its maintenance in philosophy, epistemology and in empirical Sciences.


Słowa kluczowe

prawda, filozofia, empiryzm, relatywizm, Jan Paweł II, Karol Wojtyła, papieże, kapłani, duchowieństwo, dokumenty Kościoła, epistemologia, encyklika, Fides et ratio, Veritatis splendor, chrześcijaństwo, Adam Grobler, hermeneutyka, marksizm, pragmatyzm, filozofia analityczna, nauka, relatywizm teoriopoznawczy, relativism, philosophy, empiricism, John Paul II, popes, clergy, priesthood, epistemology, encyclic, Christianity, hermeneutics, Marxism, pragmatism, analytic philosophy, study, truth


Premislia Christiana, 2010-2011, T. 14, s. 405-440.


Attribution 3.0 Poland