Perspektywy rozwoju dogmatu o Niepokalanym Poczęciu NMP po publikacji Katechizmu Kościoła Katolickiego (11 października 1992)




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


After the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Faith (11 October 1992) there arose the need for some answers regarding the future of the research in the field of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady. The text of the circular letter of the Pontiff International Marian Academy entitled La Madre del Signore (Mother of the Lord) indicates six paths or keys to read and understand the doctrine. The first – christological key – is based on the opinion that the immaculate conception of Mary is strongly linked and finds all its explanation in the mystery of Christ – the Saviour of the world; the second key – anthropological – regards the person of Jesus as the Second Adam - true God become true Man, whose incarnation guides us toward the discovery of the true meaning of all privileges given to the human race – the Immaculate Conception in particular; the ecclesiological key – is the third option. It indicates the person of Mary as the type and the beginning of the true realisation of the Church personified in the Blessed Virgin; fourth option is based on the social model of the Church where Mary the representing the human kind as the one who shared the earthly life of all men and women and does not fall in sin; the fifth key is represented by holy martyr from Oświęcim (Auschwitz) – saint Maksymilian Maria Kolbe. He indicated that Our Lady in Lourdes described herself as the Immaculate Conception and identifies herself with the title of the privilege; the last – only mentioned – ecumenical key, is referred to the opinion of the Group of Dombes, interconfessional assembly based in Lyon. Their opinion regards common research for answer, where the person of Mary and her privilege of the Immaculate Conception can be considered as the powerful and very fine key of reconciliation and reunification of the Church.


Słowa kluczowe

dogmaty, dogmaty maryjne, niepokalane poczęcie, Maryja, Katechizm Kościoła Katolickiego, hermeneutyka, chrystologia, teologia, Jezus Chrystus, zbawienie, antropologia, eklezjologia, ludzkość, społeczeństwo, personalizm, Maksymilian Maria Kolbe, ekumenizm, dogmas, Immaculate Conception, Mary, hermeneutics, Christology, theology, Jesus Christ, salvation, anthropology, ecclesiology, humanity, society, personalism, ecumenism


Polonia Sacra, 2004, R. 8 (26), Nr 15 (59), s. 41-61.


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