Filozoficzne i światopoglądowe implikacje kryzysu ekologicznego
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Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
The article shows us the most important threat for the natural environment, caused by the economical activity of the mankind. It describes the problem of the “ecological crises” showing its main material symptoms. Then the author introduces certain thoughts connected with the history of philosophy and philosophical views, which can be admitted as the premises of modern style and method of the development of the civilization. At the final part of the article there are other historical and philosophical facts connected with the period of the origination and development of the science-technical revolution, which shall diametrically change the style of life and the relation of a man to nature. In conclusion the author pays the attention to the necessity of the adduction to the humanistic knowledge in the sphere of the protection of the environment and urgent necessity of the changing of the ethic of pleasure into the ethic of responsibility and restraint.
Słowa kluczowe
ekologia, ecology, ochrona środowiska, environment protection, przyroda, nature, środowisko, environment, kryzys ekologiczny, filozofia, światopogląd, environmental crisis, philosophy, worldview, zniszczenie środowiska, destruction of the environment, cywilizacja, civilization, rozwój cywilizacji, development of civilization
Studia Ełckie, 2007, T. 9, s. 53-66.
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