Obraz siebie w rozumieniu kobiet ubiegających się o stwierdzenie nieważności sakramentu małżeństwa




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Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Archidiecezji Przemyskiej


A group of divorced persons constitute a fairly rare object of psychological research. The presented research refer to self-description of the real and ideał picture of oneself with women applying to the Bishop Court in Przemyśl for statement of invalidity of marriage. Women from broken marriages are characterised by lack of self-acceptance as well as motivation to make positive changes in their lives. The lack of self-acceptance is regarded as a positive forecast for divorced women with reference to their attitude to the past, and in particular to their unsuccessful relationship which broke up. The differences between the real and ideał picture provide a basis to conduct a planned work on personality of women applying to the Bishop for consent to contract again the Sacrament of Marriage. The planned work with this group of women will make it easier for them get a better insight into oneself, draw conclusions from one’s past and have a successful life in marriage and family.


Słowa kluczowe

obraz, kobieta, nieważność małżeństwa, małżeństwo, sakramenty, rodzina, rodzice, wychowanie, dzieci, psychologia, socjologia, samoocena, emocje, uczucia, społeczeństwo, osobowość, statystyka, rozwód, image, woman, marriage, sacraments, family, parents, upbringing, children, psychology, sociology, self-assessment, emotions, feelings, society, personality, statistics, divorce, invalidity of marriage


Premislia Christiana, 2004-2005, T. 11, s. 295-302.


Attribution 3.0 Poland