Wizja Kościoła w rozumieniu ojca Piotra Teilharda de Chardin




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Wydawnictwo Pallottinum


Christianity is a live reality in the history – a powerful spiritual current in the maturity process of the humanity. Trough the century believes and proclaims one event: God in the Jesus Christ conveyed victoriously man trough the death. Resurrected Jesus is a ferment of the eternity, which slowly changes the finished reality. The Church as a community of believers, community that was born in the special experience of the Apostles, is still a place of everyday experience of the power of the Resurrected for the people of all the times. It is a germ of the unity and hope of salvation for all humankind. In the context of the unification of the people with God and among them, Fr. Teilhard de Chardin shows the mystery of the Church in the maturity process of the human community. To define the Church and to describe her unifying mystery, French Jesuit, is not using the biblical definitions, but these from a natural sciences – l’axe and phylum, which means “an axle of the development” and “a living bundle of life”, in this case a new community called to the existence by Jesus Christ. This community is vivified by the conscience of the victory of Resurrected, and by the conscience of the vocation of the humanity to the unity with God as well. It is even more; she is conscience, that she is a place, where God reveals himself completely as a Father of all the people. Only in the Roman Catholic Church we have, according to Teilhard de Chardin, “a spearhead of the progress of evolution”, which cuts through the dusks of uncertainty, showing the final sense of the universal history. Only the Roman Church guarantees us the joy from the possessing of the plenitude of Christ, where the world finds the sense of its existence and continuous being.


Słowa kluczowe

teologia, theology, Kościół, Church, eklezjologia, ecclesiology, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, zmartwychwstanie, Resurrection, Jezus Chrystus, Jesus Christ, ewolucja, evolution, rozwój, development


Communio, 2011, R. 31, nr 4 (176), s. 51-69.


Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland