Odpowiedzialność moralna osób realizujących i wspierających metodę prokreacji in vitro z perspektywy Kościoła katolickiego
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Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej
Over the past two years there has been a lively discussion in Poland about artificial procreation. Some people are of the opinion that it should be codified into law and reimbursed, other people think it should be banned. The issue of artificial fertilization has raised many questions, including that of moral responsibility of the politicians and of the people who proclaim themselves supporters of in vitro fertilization or are involved in putting this method into practice. Moral responsibility is always connected with conscientious and voluntary undertaking or abandonment of certain activities which positive or negative moral qualification depends on their accordance with moral norms and principles. This refers to individuals as well as to societies. A responsible man is aware of the consequences of his own deeds. One of these consequences, apart from objective harm inflicted on the guilty person as well as on other people, are moral sanctions in the form of remorse, sense of guilt, shame, deep resentment and embitterment. According to the teaching of the Catholic Church, human conscience is not autonomous and exclusive capacity to decide what is good and what is evil. There are objective norms, not only subjective ones. Human acts are moral or immoral independently of intentions, awareness or state law. Every man or woman, who decides to make use of in vitro fertilisation procedures, must take into account his/her responsibility. This responsibility can result from direct participation - in case of would-be parents and the attending physician - or it may ensue from indirect participation, which is mainly the case of medical and administrative staff of “procreation industry” institutions, including the authorities competent to issue laws or regulations permitting fertilization in vitro, as well as people who publicly promote techniques of medically assisted procreation. The present paper discusses the responsibility related to the direct involvement in assisted reproduction - this refers to doctors and married couples - emphasizing the fact that it is necessary not to avoid and not to shift their personal responsibility on someone else. The Author mentions about 40 possible negative effects of in vitro fertilisation.
Słowa kluczowe
odpowiedzialność, moralność, etyka, in vitro, prokreacja, Kościół, Kościół katolicki, responsibility, morality, ethics, procreation, Church, Catholic Church, in vitro fertilisation, sztuczne zapłodnienie, artificial insemination
Roczniki Teologiczne Warszawsko-Praskie, 2010, t. 6, s. 47-65.
Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland