Znaczenie tytułów w psalmach
Tytuł czasopisma
ISSN czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego
On the basis of the studies initiated by Gunkel on the determination of the kind of particular Psalms and on the efforts of the Scandinavian school of Mowinckel and others the author of the present article endeavours to prove: 1. That some tities at least, and also the various names of Psalms may be helpful in defining of what kind the given Psalm is; 2. he then proves that the teachings about the purpose of the Psalms, and their use in the religious life of Israel may be an indication explaining how they originated ; 3. that the descriptions of instruments occurring in the tities are of some help in acquiring knowledge of the kinds of Psalms and their origin; 4. the remarks of the authors of the titles on the connection of the Psalms with some biblical characters are probably not significant; 5. the titles should - because of their antiquity - be regarded as a very valuable introduction to the Books of Psalmes.
Słowa kluczowe
psalmy, psalms, tytuły psalmów, titles of psalms, Księga Psalmów, Book of Psalms, Biblia, Bible, Pismo Święte, biblistyka, biblical studies, teologia, theology, terminologia biblijna, biblical terminology, Stary Testament, Old Testament
Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1972, T. 19, z. 2, s. 69-87.
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