Status współczesnej teologii fundamentalnej na tle przemian w teologii i biblistyce

dc.contributor.authorNagy, Stanisław
dc.description.abstractThe process of changes undergone by th e co n temporary theology and Biblical studies has forced fundamental/dogmatic theology to introduce several major modifications into the structure of its apologetics. Although this branch of theology is methodologically independent, it is also closely interelated with the other two departments and as such it can not remain unaffected by any of their developments. In the real of theology proper, fundamental/dogmatic theology must take into account recent conceptions of faith, revelation and the miracle of resurection as well as establishment of the Church and the part played in it by the Holy Ghost. A new view of the specific literary character of the Gospels provided by the contemporary Biblical studies must be also considered to gether with the findings of Biblical theology and the history of atonement. Thus dogmatic theology is a branch whose main task is to substantiate the accomplishment of revelation in Christ and the fact of its continuation in the scriptural commonwealth of the People of God corresponding to the actual community of Church. This compound apologetic argument aims at justifying the attitude of faith and the resultant theological reasoning. According to the Directions issued by the Holy See it should be achieved by inti al demonstratingin the contents of revelation these elements which may harmonize with man’s needs and development. It has visibly broadened the scope of dogmatic theology by adding apologic elements further supplemented by apologetic and introductory-theological arguments mentioned by the Directions. As far as particular problems included in the christological dogma are concerned especially the manner of employing the Gospels must be modified because of their singular character of theological and catechetical writings founded upon the actual words and deeds of Christ. Also the teaching of revelation must be revised with a particular stress being paid to the elements of atonement as well as its historical and personal aspects. A fresh value must be established for the formal element of miracle consisting in the supernatural sense given to it by God. A modification of the truth of resurrection a part from emphasizing its strictly wondrous character must take into account the fact that may be substantiated solely by referring to the consciousness of original Christian community relating the belief in resurrection to christophanies and the fact of empty sepulchre. The ecclesiological doctrine should formulate a new justification of the truth of establishing the Church. A part from dating its definitive establishment after the resurrection the part played by the Holy Ghost ought to be accentuated. Since Vatican Council II sanctioned the principle of joint action motivation of specific organizational structure of the Church will demand completing. Also the duty of belonging to the Churchcommunity of salvation will have to be justified anew as acatholic communities weregrant et by Vatican II status of ecclesiasticism and partial attachment to the Mystic Body of Christ and People of God. Thus compulsory integral attachment and insufficiency of partial attachment must be emphasized.pl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRoczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1977, T. 24, z. 2, s. 5-28.pl_PL
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiegopl_PL
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland*
dc.subjectteologia fundamentalnapl_PL
dc.subjectfundamental theologypl_PL
dc.subjectXX w.pl_PL
dc.subjectbiblical studiespl_PL
dc.titleStatus współczesnej teologii fundamentalnej na tle przemian w teologii i biblistycepl_PL
dc.title.alternativeStatus of contemporary fundamental theology as seen against changes in theology and biblical studiespl_PL


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