Teologia „literacka” (cz. I)
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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego
„Literary” theology, called also „theology in literature”, is one of the significant ways of the functioning of belles-lettres within the frameworks of theological topic. This phenomenon, well- -known in the history of the theological thought and in the theory of literature, has matured enough for an attempt at a methodological systematization. The basic question is to spot „literary” theology as the so-called experienced theology within the frameworks of the multitude of the theological forms of linguistic expressions. This way of placing the phenomenon „theology in literature” helps in its defining and determining the scope of the concept. Then the possibilités of research open, which possibilities concern directly identification and reconstruction of theology present „inside” the text of belles-lettres. Taking into account a number of methodological directives (to emphasize the value of the specific character of literary cognition, to distinguish the stages of description and analysis, to choose the adequate language of description) one can determine the fields of its occuring (problems, subject-matter and motifs).
Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.
Słowa kluczowe
teologia, teologia literacka, literatura, metodologia, theology, literary theology, literature, methodology
Roczniki Teologiczne, 1993, T. 40, z. 2, s. 131-145.
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