Między wolnością a Prawem Bożym. Refleksja w dziesięciolecie „Veritatis splendor” (VS)




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Papieski Fakultet Teologiczny we Wrocławiu


It has been ten years since the encyclical “Veritatis splendor” was published and it is still current in its issue. The Pope’s word was connected with the crisis in ethic. This crisis is deeply rooted in the times of N. Macchiavelli as far as politics is concerned, with T. Hobbes in the social issues and with A. Smith in economics. The ethic crisis is connected with the truth crisis of human nature as well. The logos and ethos bound has been broken, what made human being incomprehensible for himself. The Pope’s thought shows human being as a creature ranging from his freedom to the law coded in his nature and in the God’s law written down in ten Commandments. The encyclical focuses on the conscious as the correlate allowing to read again the truth about oneself and taking responsibility for human being and for the world.


Słowa kluczowe

Veritatis splendor, encyklika, Jan Paweł II, Karol Wojtyła, papieże, etyka, kryzys etyki, kryzys, prawda, kryzys prawdy, człowiek, wolność, prawo, prawo Boże, moralność, odpowiedzialność, filozofia, antropologia filozoficzna, sumienie, godność ludzka, encyclic, John Paul II, popes, ethics, crisis of ethics, crisis, truth, crisis of truth, human, freedom, law, God's law, morality, responsibility, philosophy, philosophical anthropology, conscience, human dignity


Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2003, R. 11, Nr 1, s. 43-57.


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