Czas wolny w perspektywie teologicznomoralnej
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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego
The statement that contemporary society is a society of spare time and modern culture ever more clearly becomes a culture of spare time means that the question of spare time should be the subject of moral reflection. In the point of departure the truth is crucial that spare time is both given and set as a task for man. First the author presents spare time as a reality of the post-industrial age stressing the ambivalent character of social-cultural conditions. Like work, also spare time may create the threat of man’s alienation if use of this time is not related to an objective hierarchy of values, and in a theological perspective – to an integrally understood Christian vocation. Hence moral theology interprets spare time as one of the significant dimensions of practising one’s Christian vocation in close connection with one’s vocation to work. The author does not concentrate his attention on particular ways of spending spare time (celebrations, rest, entertainment, sport or tourism) but he tries to draw a fundamental perspective by interpreting it through faith hope and love. The perspective of Christian vocation allows showing how this time is used with respect to the fundamental relations of human life. This is the time for God, for oneself, for relations with others (for the community) and also for harmonious developing relations with the world of nature and culture. Finally it turns out that in moral theology it is not spare time that is important but it is man who uses the time, it is his full development, his fulfilment by way of love.
Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tadeusz Karłowicz.
Słowa kluczowe
czas, czas wolny, praca, świętowanie, odpoczynek, rozrywka, teologia, teologia moralna, time, spare time, work, celebration, rest, entertainment, theology, moral theology
Roczniki Teologiczne, 2001, T. 48, z. 3, s. 133-150.
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