Podstawowe problemy metodologiczne nauk o rodzinie




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Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL


Family sciences constitute a question which is not only exceptionally complex as far as the number of disciplines that ought to be taken into consideration in their analysis is concerned, but also one that is unusually complicated – on account of relations and interdependence between the particular constituent disciplines. The network of interrelations between the particular disciplines composing this branch of knowledge, theoretical and paradigmatic references, specific sensibility of the examined sphere of phenomena, the extreme susceptibility to manipulation and suprainterpretations are just some of a number of problems opening new prospects as successive questions are considered. The present article introduces some basic problems of family sciences as an interdisciplinary discipline in the context of the general methodology of sciences and methodology of social sciences. It deals with questions of the semantic concept of „family sciences”, the internal structure of this branch of science, methological peculiarities occurring within the examined branch and fundamental philosophical and practical questions that have to be tackled by each scholar.


Słowa kluczowe

metodologia nauk społecznych, metodologia nauk o rodzinie, interdyscyplinarność, kryteria demarkacji nauk, osobliwości nauk społecznych, nauki o rodzinie, nauki społeczne, metodologia, methodology of social studies, methodology of family studies, interdisciplinarity, demarcation criteria of sciences, methological peculiarities of social studies, family studies, social studies, methodology


Roczniki Nauk o Rodzinie, 2013, T. 5(60), s. 221-238.


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