The Problem of Knowledge of Jesus in Selected Publications (after the II Vatican Council). A Contribution to the History of the Question




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The article makes a contribution to the history of the discussion on the knowledge of Jesus, which continues within the framework of systematic Christology. The analysis concerns the following single-authored monographs on these issues written in the 20th century, after the Second Vatican Council: H. Riedlinger: Geschichtlichkeit und Vollendung des Wissens Christi (1966), J. Galot: La conscience de Jésus (1971), W.G. Most: The Consciousness of Christ (1980), P. Kaiser: Das Wissen Jesu Christi in der lateinischen (westlichen) Theologie (1981), R. Maloney: The Knowledge of Christ (1999), J.G. Díaz Macabenta: „Mystical Experience Theory” in Jesus human knowledge and consciousness. An Evaluation (1993/2003).


Artykuł w języku angielskim.

Słowa kluczowe

chrystologia, człowieczeństwo Chrystusa, wiedza Jezusa, świadomość Jezusa, teologia, Jezus Chrystus, świadomość, wiedza, człowieczeństwo, Christology, humanity of Jesus, knowledge of Jesus, consciousness of Jesus, theology, Jesus Christ, consciousness, awareness, knowledge, humanity


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2016, T. 63, nr 2, s. 205-219.


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