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Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu
The first and the most important issue of philosophy is a question about the existence, its condition and its causes. The second basic and equally important problem is the question whether we have the actual with the existence contact. There is also a question about the reality of the world around us and as a consequences the possibility of rational speaking of its. This article is another attempt of “justification” the ontic realism but also the theory cognitive as strategies which are proving that all what is around us really exist and we have access to them not only on the intellectual but on the sensual way as well. Through this fact this article join the discussion, which is still conducting from the beginning of philosophy on the axis: idealism and realism. The author by defending the realism of world which surrounds us and, first of all, refers to the natural human cognitive possibilities such as “common sense”, the original “rights to exist” and thinking about its. They are also called “laws of reason” and rationality. Violation of those rights always pushes the human thinking to the area of the absurd and the surrounding reality becomes incomprehensible and pointless. The final conclusion is an argument that only real reality which is the real object of metaphysics is worthy attention and philosophy’s interest.
Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Summary translated by Bożena Rojek.
Słowa kluczowe
metafizyka, metafizyka zdroworozsądkowa, realizm metafizyczny, prawda, poznanie, filozofia, rzeczywistość, poznanie filozoficzne, rzeczywistość realna, byt, rozsądek, metaphysics, common-sense metaphysics, metaphysical realism, truth, cognition, philosophy, reality, philosophical cognition, being, reason
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2012, R. 20, Nr 2, s. 147-168.
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