Problemy chrześcijańskiej ascezy w pismach bł. Stanisława Papczyńskiego założyciela Zgromadzenia Księży Marianów




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


Asceticism is a systematic and everyday human effort in the cooperation with the grace of God to purify the man from his defects and from everything that is the obstacle on the way to the union with God. It is a putting of “the old man” and the becoming “the new man” conformed to Jesus Christ. The practice of asceticism develops in two directions. The first is a negative asceticism, which consists in an escaping of the sin and inordinate acting of the faculties of the soul, passions and senses through the application of external and internal mortifications and self-denials. The second kind of asceticism – a positive asceticism consists in the cultivation of the virtues which are opposed to the human defects, in imitation of Christ’s and Holy Mary’s virtues, in mastering of the passions and in overcoming Satan with the strength of good, virtues and union with Eucharistic Christ. Blessed Stanislaus Papczynski (1631-1701) the Founder of the Marian Fathers’ Congregation in his ascetic works gave many practical directions on both kinds of asceticism, arguing of their need and the necessity for the spiritual development of the Christian. The separate kind of asceticism is a passive asceticism that consists in the patient and humbly acceptance of sufferings, persecutions, losses and other afflictions – because of love to Christ. Blessed Stanislaus Papczynski emphasized that the Christian asceticism is not a goal in itself, but it should proceed from the love of Christ. The goal of asceticism is a preparing of man to the union with God. Father Papczynski’s ideas are modeled on ascetic works of Thomas à Kempis, St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Jesus. His directions are dedicated to the people of all ranks in the Church. The special worth of his ascetical doctrine is the eminent christocentrism and over accentuation of the primacy of love.


Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Elżbieta Matulewicz.

Słowa kluczowe

asceza, umartwienie, wyrzeczenie, oczyszczenie, oczyszczenie czynne, cnoty, naśladowanie Chrystusa, asceza bierna, teologia, teologia duchowości, asceza chrześcijańska, błogosławieni, Stanisław Papczyński, Zgromadzenie Księży Marianów Niepokalanego Poczęcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny, marianie, pisma Stanisława Papczyńskiego, XVII w., literatura teologiczna, literatura, asceticism, mortification, self-denial, purification, active purification, virtues, imitation of Christ, following Christ, passive asceticism, theology, theology of spirituality, Christian asceticism, blessed, Marians, writings of Stanislaus Papczyński, Stanislaus Papczyński, theological literature, literature, piśmiennictwo dawne, Congregation of Marian Fathers


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2007, T. 54, z. 5, s. 115-138.


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