Muzeum diecezjalne we Włocławku. Historia i teraźniejszość
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Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
Diocesan Museum is one of the oldest in Poland. The late nineteenth century founded the priests it Chodyńscy – Seminary Professors. With their private collections created collection, which comprised paintings, textiles, medals. The next year – after independence – a time extension of the harvest, which were the gothic painting, numismatic collection, antique furniture. Time of the occupation has caused the destruction and dispersal of Valuable exhibits. After World War II the surviving fragments of collections was unable to reproduce the Museum. In year only 2005, in antique accommodation from end XVIII, it open and diocesan museum rendev accessible touring. A permanent exhibition on the basis of collection, has to show history of millennial diocese for task. The Museum is a venue for exhibitions of contemporary artists, early music concerts, meetings with the creators of culture. Presently, due to financial funds of European Union, we prepare for extension and increases of expositional surfaces and store house(magazine).
Słowa kluczowe
muzea, muzealnictwo, muzea kościelne, muzea diecezjalne, Muzeum Diecezjalne we Włocławku, museums, museology, church museums, diocesan museums, historia, history, diecezje, dioceses, diecezja włocławska, Włocławek
Liturgia Sacra, 2010, R. 16, nr 1 (35), s. 183-189.
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