Katecheta wobec środków audiowizualnych




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Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The introductory part of the article stresses that pastoral theology cannot ignore problems connected with the introduction of audio-visual aids to teaching and communication. A catechist should be aware of the changes they effect in the mentality of contemporary young people. Accordingly, the author presents ecclesiastical documents dealing with audio-visualization, in the years 1912-1971, emphasizing in particular the recommendations of the General Catechetical Instruction. Next, changes which may be observed in man of the audio-visual era are discussed. This man of amplified senses is dominated by experimental and selective grasp of the actual. Some conditions of employing audio-visual aids in catechesis are mentioned as well. It is stressed that personal contact cannot be excluded, while the new language should not only possess artistic value but be a prophetic tongue as well. Further, fundamental sound elements are discussed, such as silence, noise, rhythm, melody, song, narrative and interview. The role of sound is emphasized since it attributes certain energy to the aid strengthening their impact. The values of image are presented and briefly characterized. When discussing the catechetical criteria it is stated, according to P. Babin that sound and image can have an intrinsic religious character. A religious document and a document of strong positive faith value are differenciated. Finally, attention is drawn to a neglected, though very important problem of moulding audio-visual mentality among the catechized to enable them to interpret properly patterns consisting of words, images and sounds.


Słowa kluczowe

teologia, theology, katecheza, catechesis, katechetyka, catechetics, katecheci, catechists, Dyrektorium katechetyczne, środki audiowizualne, audiovisual aids, dokumenty Kościoła, nauczanie, teaching, dźwięk, sound, obraz, image, człowiek, human, epoka audiowizualna, audiovisual era, środki masowego przekazu, mass media, film, movie, kinematografia, cinematography, audycje radiowe, radio broadcasts, telewizja, television, XX w., edukacja religijna, religious education, edukacja, education, język audiowizualny, audiovisual language, komunikacja, communication


Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1978, T. 25, z. 6, s. 69-83.


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