Przestrzeń i ruch w opisie zbawienia. Teologiczna interpretacja wybranych wierszy Johna Donne’a (1572-1631)
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II
This article undertakes the issue of spatial motives and motions in the description of religious process of unification in John Donne’s chosen verses: Good Friday, 1613. Riding Westward, sonnet I from Holy Sonnets and A Hymne to Christ, at the Autors Last Going into Germany. They display in their own ways human seeking for salvation motivated by God’s grace yet with taking an account of man’s freedom. For hermeneutics here are proposed some contexts of catholic theology, mainly getting from St. John of the Cross. The statements of few different researchers are also evoked in order to discuss them in regard the concept of religious irony. The lyrical expression of Donnes poems concerns the spiritual experience which can be treated as an over-confessional phenomenon but still close to the catholic world.
Słowa kluczowe
John Donne, poezja, poeci, poezja metafizyczna, metafizyka, barok, literatura, przestrzeń, ruch, zbawienie, teologia, XVII w., analiza literacka, łaska, miłość, poetry, poets, metaphysical poetry, metaphysics, Baroque, literature, space, movement, salvation, grace, love, interpretation, interpretacja, interpretacja teologiczna, theological interpretation
Polonia Sacra, 2010, R. 14 (32), Nr 26 (70), s. 145-167.
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