Bezwzględna wierność prawdzie koniecznym warunkiem zachowania trwałego pokoju w świetle nauczania papieży epoki posoborowej




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Archidiecezji Przemyskiej


Presentation of the issue: The text refers to the problem of interdependence of peace and truth in the today’s world, as it is presented in the teaching and statements of the Popes in the post-conciliar period. Background: The peace is commonly seen as a superior value in our modem, globalized world. It is a quality of life which people approve spontaneously and express their readiness to defend it. The truth is one of the most important conditions for peaceful coexistence of nations and individuals. Peace can be preserved ordy in its interdependence with the truth. For the better understanding, the words “peace” and “truth” must be specified. Results: The Catholic Church’s Magisterium in its social teaching emphasises the positive aspect and dynamie understanding of peace. The text shows the implementation of the postulate of interdependence of peace and truth in the teaching and statements of the Popes in the post-conciliar period (the Second Vatican Council, John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Francis). Conclusions: The Church, proclaiming everywhere “’the Gospel of peace” reminds everyone: if peace is to be authentic and enduring, it must be built on the bedrock of the truth about God and the truth about man. Proper understanding of the essence of truth and peace seems to favour the truth, which possesses the superior value in relation to peace. When we subordinate truth to peace, we lose not only truth but peace as well. Peace, if possible, truth at all costs.


Słowa kluczowe

teologia systematyczna, teologia, wierność, prawda, pokój, papieże, kapłani, duchowieństwo, Magisterium Kościoła, Katolicka Nauka Społeczna, nauczanie społeczne Kościoła, społeczeństwo, socjologia, Kościół, Kościół katolicki, Jan XXIII, sobór watykański II, sobór, Jan Paweł II, Karol Wojtyła, Paweł VI, Benedykt XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, dokumenty Kościoła, encyklika, Caritas in veritate, Franciszek papież, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, epoka posoborowa, systematic theology, theology, fidelity, truth, peace, popes, clergy, priesthood, Catholic Church’s social teaching, society, sociology, Church, Catholic Church, John XXIII, John Paul II, Second Vatican Council, Vatican II, Paul VI, Benedict XVI, Pope Francis, postconciliar period, council, encyclic


Premislia Christiana, 2014-2015, T. 16, s. 297-314.


Attribution 3.0 Poland