Donum vitae – eine theologisch-ethische Deutung des Lebens als Gabe und exemplarische Ausfaltungen




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego


The concept of life as a gift is considered one of the basic theological categories of Christian interpretation of the man. The given paper, starting from the specific life experiences of donating and basing on the philosophy of a gift, particularly enriched by Emanuel Levinas’s thought, is to work out elementary theological expression of understanding life as a gift and check their theological-ethical implications. Interpreting life as a gift means adopting it as an expression of the original “yes” that God spoke to me over my life and answering to Gods “yes” as to prove that I accept my life as a gift fully devoting myself. Accepting life as a gift in love devotion is the particular imitation of Christ. On the base of three current issues – unwanted childlessness, adopting a disabled child, as well as organ donation the results are realized and bioethical meaning of understanding life as a gift is shown.


Artykuł w języku niemieckim.

Słowa kluczowe

life as gift, życie jako dar, philosophy of gift, filozofia daru, theology of gift, teologia daru, witness, świadek, childless not by choice, bezdzietny nie z wyboru, bezdzietność, childlessness, disabled child, dziecko niepełnosprawne, organ donation, dawstwo organów, życie, life, dary, gifts, teologia, theology, filozofia, philosophy, etyka, moralność, ethics, morality, Leben, Gaben, Theologie, Philosophie


Family Forum, 2011, T. 1, s. 207-226.


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