Świątynia jerozolimska jako miejsce pielgrzymowania w czasach Starego i Nowego Testamentu




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Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Regina Poloniae”


The paper searches some historical details on pilgrimage customs and celebrations in the Temple of Jerusalem in the times of the Old and New Testament. The study is divided into three natural periods: (1) Salomonic Temple, (2) so called Second Temple times, (3) and post-Temple Judaism. The Jerusalem Temple has been important to Israelites all these years, but customs and celebrations have been evolving. Each of them has got its specifics. At first, one can observe a growing religious esteem of what once was main local sanctuary visited spontaneously from time to time. After the Exile, when the king was no more, the position of the Temple was even higher and certain times of visiting Jerusalem were considered mandatory (Pesach, Pentecost, Sukkot). The custom of visiting Jerusalem did not cease after the Temple was destroyed. The celebrations became sober and sorrowful, yet they continued throughout the centuries.


Słowa kluczowe

Jerozolima, pielgrzymki, żydowskie zwyczaje, Świątynia Jerozolimska, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Stary Testament, Nowy Testament, Bóg, Jahwe, Biblia hebrajska, Jerusalem, pilgrimages, Jewish customs, Temple in Jerusalem, Bible, Old Testament, New Testament, God, Hebrew Bible


Gloriam praecedit humilitas, 2015, s. 425-434.


Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland